Welcome to my site!
A passion for people and knack for forging genuine connections, my journey has always been about cutivating relationships. No surprise the front end of my career a solid 15 years, was spent working in sales for Fortune 500 companies, a tech start up and small businesses. Consistently achieving recognition as a top-selling agent, was a testament to my strong interpersonal skills.
Driven by a profound passion for creating positive change and leveraging my business acumen, I embarked on an entrepreneurial venture that championed social consciousness. This endeavor began as a desire to make a difference in the lives of others and grew into a successful business distributing products across 33 boutiques nationwide. What truly set this initiative apart was that a portion of profits was dedicated to building libraries of books for underprivileged children in both South America and the United States. It was such a rewarding experience!
The sense of fulfillment derived from making a tangible difference served as the launchpad for my expertise over the past decade as a Professional Growth and Development Coach. My focus started off with helping women transition back into the workforce as entrepreneurs and has evolved over the years into helping leaders and business owners to overcome internal barriers and build resiliency by working on their inner leadership skills.
At the heart of my methodology lies an unwavering commitment to elevating emotional intelligence, building mental fitness and wellbeing to optimize leadership efficacy. My love for speaking and facilitating has allowed me to captivate and lead groups through transformative experiences that unlock their inherent potential, positively effecting the organization's bottom line.
My career journey has definitely not been linear…but what has been consistent is the presence of personal development throughout my working years. New certifications, the hiring of coaches to stretch me as a coach and utilizing my coaching tools daily on myself has been the catalyst for elevating my inner CEO.
And now I want to help you do the same.
Let's have a conversation. Book your free consultation below.