Yes they do.
That dreadful voice that nags and says...
"You should have done ...."
No one likes to hear it, no one likes to think it.
So when this crisis is over - because it will be,
what is one thing you will do that won't cause you to speak those words?
What is the thing on the other side of this pandemic that your future self will be thankful for?
Will you come out on the other side with a business idea and mission that fuels your soul?
Will you come out the other side a few pounds lighter and feeling healthier than you have been in the last 5 years?
Will you come out the other side with tighter bonds and boundaries with those you love?
There's so many options for how things can be on the other side of this pandemic..
What will you choose?
I'd love to connect! . . .
Join my private Facebook Group - Intentional Mind 2020
I offer private individual coaching - when you're ready schedule your Clarity Consult here.
"It is during the
darkest moments
we must focus on the light"